The next SPHSAA meeting - Tuesday, September 24, 2024 @ 6:30 pm
The next SPHSAA meeting - Tuesday, September 24, 2024 @ 6:30 pm
Please welcome new Life Members
Charles Whitby 1994
Anita Plumhoff 1971
Darlene Lumpkin 1971
Ronald Barnes 1965
Shannon Randall Modeski 2004
Joseph Modeski IFM
Linda Mary Laskey 1973
Betty Wilhelm Dobbins 1968
Georgia Cascio 1963
Carolyn Welsh Klimek 1972
Charles Klimek 1973
Leroy Pittman 1992
Tammy Pittman 1992
Elaine Nistico Feltz
Cecil Harris 1972
Joe Adams 1970
Jane Kay 1969
LuAnn Gobble 1972
Shawn Iacovelli 1973
Paul Gietka 1968
Robert Watson 1967
Donna Provenzano 1964
Charlie Wilhelm 1973
Carol Fegan *IFM Daughter of alum James C. Sunderland 1938
Wilson Lane 1971
Michael Rolfes 1985
Angela Taylor Leitzer 1968
Winfield Leitzer 1968
Fred Rossmark, Jr. 1990
Earl Heinlein 1966
IFM - Immediate Family Member
Life Members as of 5-11-2024 (xlsx)
Alumni Association Membership
Why join the Alumni?
The Sparrows Point High School Alumni Association recognizes two types of members:
All Alumni have the opportunity to establish a life membership by paying a one-time fee of $50.00.
Life Members are entitled to have a voice in the Association's business meetings, have the privilege of presenting motions and being heard on the floor of Association meetings, and holding office.
New Benefit of Membership!
All Life Members can get free admission to all regular season sporting events at the grandstand and the gymnasium - just show your membership card!
It pays to join!
Any former graduate, current or former student, or immediate family member of deceased graduate or student, faculty or staff member of Sparrows Point High School shall be eligible for membership.
It's time that an issue is addressed that has recently been surfacing, whether it's in a group setting, or individuals wondering why their name is not on our Life Member List. As you probably know, we are the Sparrows Point High School Association Inc., founded in 1983 which was, if memory serves, pre-internet days. Our Association offers Life Memberships for $50, a real bargain compared to other High School alumni associations. These dollars, as well as any other monies received pays for requests from the school and/or student scholarships. That is our mission....why we exist. A list of Life Members is available for all to view on our website, and is by no means 100% accurate and we know that. We're trying hard to get it right, and rely on input from the membership. Recently, I have received multiple requests to add members names who they believe have been omitted. We do due diligence to verify as best we can, but one glaring issue has been surfacing. Enter AlumniClass, Inc, a company who by there own admission, is not affiliated with and is independent of any school, school district, alumni association or any other sites. They provide websites for what appears to be every high school in the country, and they have one for the 'Point. The name on their homepage is Sparrows Point High School Alumni. Members can join free of charge, but to use advanced features, one must either pay $20 for an annual membership, or $50 for a lifetime membership, and be recognized as an Honorary Alumni Supporter. They also sell apparel and will help sell tickets to reunions, for a fee of course. I want to point out that not one cent of any money sent to this organization goes back to the school or students. That being said, I am finding that some requests being received to add names to our Life Member List, are from alum who paid for membership to this other alumni site. Easy mistake to make, since their name contains the first five words as ours - Sparrows Point High School Alumni Association vs. Sparrows Point High School Alumni. This has resulted in the payment for membership from well meaning alum who presumably wanted to give back to their Alma Mater, and are now realizing that they were misled. Yes, there are disclaimers on the website, but one would have to navigate the site to see them, and how many of us really do that? There are currently (are you ready for this?), 1213 members on the non-Association website. I have no idea how many are paid members, but had they become members of SPHSAA, one can only imagine the benefit to our beneficiaries. Anyone who paid for a membership to the non-association site and meant to, this message is not for you, but those who THOUGHT they were joining the official SPHS Alumni Association, we are sorry and please, let us know. This is also for those who are THINKING of becoming members and giving back to the school, you are now better informed to make a choice.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I welcome any comments and/or suggestions.
Hank Rode Class of '68
President, Sparrows Point High School Alumni Association
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